Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our Week

The Wilson household has been busy household over the last week and I have been choosing sleep over extra activities that I normally would be doing once the girls were in bed, such as blogging. So, I thought I would give a quick update on our fun but not overly interesting week.

Finally my sister, her son, Vada and I were able to get together again! It has been over seven months! This was not just the highlight of my day or week, this was one of the greatest highlights of my 2011 year, so far! I have missed her and my little nephew so much.

Vada had her first taste of a smoothie. She seemed to like it, but not enough to try it again. I cant seem to catch her interest in any specific food other than breast milk! We are having a speech therapist come in next week to watch her while I attempt to feed her. Afterward, we will figure out what needs to be done, if anything to help Vada with eating and her mouth control.

I have been working on some major "spring cleaning" this week and throughout the last month. I have cleansed our house of so much clutter already and there is more to go soon. I am hoping that with in the next two weeks I will be completely finished including with my scrap room. Then I can catch up on some scrapbooking. I have two years of photos to do and then some!

Justin tore a wall down in the basement for me and he recently finished another end table that he built. This one is for our house, it's made out of cherry and it is beautiful. He wants to start building furniture and selling it. Maybe have his own business sometime in the future. He's great at whatever he does and I know that he would create a wonderful business for himself, if that's what he chooses to do.

Sometime this weekend my elliptical is coming in and I cant wait! I have missed exercising so much but I have also lacked in the motivation area. I'm ready to get back in to a routine!

I was in a fender bender last Sunday at church and I am still unsure who's fault it actually was. I believe that we were both at fault because we were both in reverse. Either way, its hard to tell so Justin and I took the dive and wrote a check for the damage as to not involve our insurance and in the long run save us money. I was the one driving, Justin was at home asleep from working a night shift. I felt horrible waking him up to tell him about it. Luckily, my husband is very understanding.

Vada and I took another trip to Peoria, this time to meet with her Endocrinologist, for her Thyroid.

Awhile back I wrote about her having Hypothyroidism and this was just a follow up appointment. Everything went well, we are just waiting on her lab results. There may be some minor medication adjustments but nothing overly drastic. She measured the same as before, around 25 inches and now weighs 18 pounds- 8 ounces. Her weight is fluctuating due to her loosing the weight that she gained while on ACTH and having Cushings.

The girls and I went to church this Wednesday for a special Ash Wednesday service. We sat in a pew filled with and surrounded by church members and it felt great! Actually, Vada was held by a wonderful lady who not only works with the youth she is also in the Sunday class that I will be rejoining eventually. It was odd not having her in my arms like I normally do, but Kiliegh quickly replaced that void by lying her head in my lap an pleading with her hazel eyes for me to play with her hair.

Two more things that I am excited about are everyday things to most people, but almost a rare delicacy in our family..., were having company over! Yep, this Saturday Were having one of Justin's friends and his family over for lunch. I'm excited and overwhelmed..., its been so long since we've had anyone other than family over. I cant wait for the interaction and the commotion of the extra children. It'll be fun.

Then, this Monday I set up a luncheon with one of my closest friends and her two little one's. Her and I have grown apart somewhat over these last few months, which is to be expected. We weren't allowed to have Vada around others and she has recently had her second child, so she has been very occupied as well. Needless to say, I am excited to catch back up on our friendship and on all of the things that I have missed over the past year or so.

Things are beginning to really balance out. The sun is shinning more and for longer periods of time. The girls are all thriving and for the most part, getting a long. I have been keeping busy and enjoying all of life's little pleasures. My husband has been successful with his carpentry so far and has some small jobs lined up. Its been a good week and I look forward to the days ahead not with fear but with high hopes and on the brighter side of the spectrum.

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