Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bathtime Buddies

Every night after dinner I put Vada into the bath. Usually because she is covered in food. (I give her table food, she sucks on it and gums it but typically she ends up spitting it out.) Tonight was the first night that I was able to lay her in the batch with out her seat.

Kiliegh has just started to take baths with Vada over the past month. One night she asked if she could and now she takes one every night that she is home with her.

I think that it gives her something special with Vada. Jasmine is able to do more with Vada as far as hold her and lay her down with out my assistance. I think bath time has become their "thing".

Kiliegh likes to get the bath water running and she puts in Vada's seat and then tells me that its all ready for Vada. Tonight she said that she wished Vada didn't have to use her seat so I told her we could try and Vada loved it.

I am glad that Kiliegh has found something special to do with Vada. Something that only they do. Something that creates a deeper bound between them.

Vada stays in for about ten minutes and then I take her out so Kiliegh can use her soap and water color tablets. Tonight I took Vada out, like usual and she was mad! (I cant help but love her crying face.)

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