Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trading Spaces

Vada has been having a hard time staying asleep during the nights. I'm pretty for sure that it's a cross between wanting to sleep with me (because she likes when we sleep together) and teething (which is probably why she wants to sleep with me). Vada wakes up on an average of three to four times and each time she ends waking Kiliegh up.

Kiliegh doesn't do the greatest job at keeping her Polly pockets and Barbie dolls picked up off of the bedroom floor and since she shares or shared her bedroom with Vada, Vada was unable to go into her room and play safely.

Jasmine was having a hard time keeping her own room clean. As odd as it may sound, I think she actually had too much space!

Our house is actually a two bedroom house, with the exception of our "bedroom" which is a room in the basement. Sooo..., two of the end up sharing a room and one gets her own. With everything combined, it only made sense to make a switch and trade spaces!

Jasmine and Kiliegh are now sharing a room and Vada has Jasmine's old room.


I thought for sure that I wouldnt hear then end of it when I told Jasmine and Kiliegh that they were going to share a room again but I was shocked to see that they were actually kind of excitied about it!


After school they spent all evening cleaning and organizing their space (I totally made them!) and I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the rest of the mess that Justin and I made during the moving process.

And Vada? Well, I think she likes her new room.


It's more peaceful and clean. The change seemed to help Vada sleep too because she slept really, really well last night (She only woke up twice but from 12-7:30 I slept soundly). When she woke up from her afternoon nap today she actually sat in her crib and played for a long time before calling for me and when I came in I was greeted with this sweet face...



Vada even played with her doll. She was fixing her hair, giving her kisses and she actually used her blanket and covered her up. What a sweet "mommy".


While I am here writing I have to mention how I went to GiGi's with V yesterday. It was a last minute thing. They were doing some footage for the 2012, 2nd Annual "I Have a Voice Gala" that is happening this month!!! Yeh, so I was told that I may be asked some questions but I figured that even though I was told that, I have yet to be recorded in an interview thus far so it wasnt going to happen. Well, I was wrong!! OMFG, I totally ruined it! Looked like a fool! Forgot how to spell my freakin' last name!!! --NO JOKE, I really paused while spelling it to think about how the order of the letters! Good thing it wasn't live and good thing they are editing it because there is no way that I gave anything good to offer that video. I am still shaking my head on this one.

One great and new thing did come from this trip to GiGi's. I saw Vada intentionally sharing with another child. Every once in awhile she does feed us a snack or hand us one of her toys but somehow this was just different. She was sitting next to another little girl who is also around Vada's age. Both girls were having a snack and Vada took three of her golf fish crackers, one by one and laid them on other little girls side of the table and then she took one from her own pile for herself. My heart got the "warm and fuzzies" from seeing this!

What else..? What else..?

Oh! I finally got addicted I mean signed onto Pinterest!!! And I freaking love it! There are SO many great idea's! I have been inspired to be creative again and to spend more time doing crafts with the girls again!

Today the girls and I made paper heart chains.


 Instead of hanging the chains like garland, we did this...


I found these awesome handles...

and I now have my father in-law searching the auctions for them. I want to use the spicket handles for handles on this dresser..

I know, I know... the dresser looks a bit warn but it has SO much potential! I can't wait to start on it! I plan on sanding and then repainting the dresser within the next couple of months (maybe in the early Spring?). I am thinking of a deep plum-like color or a brick red, maybe even a teal!? If I can find the handles in different colors (I have my eye on five currently), I may leave them as they are and only add a finishing clear coat to prevent extra chipping.

I also found some cute ideas for Toddler sized rocking chairs and come to find out Annette, my mother in-law  has two that I get to pick from and completely re-do anyway. that. I. want! Score!!!

Pinterest could be bad news... but I heard crafting can be very therapeutic, relaxing and it even promotes good bonding between family members and that's the story I am sticking with! 


My Little Wonders said...

We just did a room switch for somewhat similar reasons. Now if Miss K would catch on to the sleeping part, things would be good! ;) (She's still with us ... she wakes way too much to get up that frequently. LOL) Love the paper heart chains! And, I can't wait to see the dresser when done. :)

Anonymous said...

We also did a room switch a few months ago. My boys were sharing a room and it wasn't working. So we gave up our office to split them up. What a difference! Everyone sleeps better now. :) Love the heart chains. We will be trying that one out! (LOVE pinterest too!) :)

Leah said...

Wow, busy week! Vada is so cute. I can't get enough of her sweet little smile. And yay for sharing! Those heart chains are adorable. I may have to make some of those when we celebrate Cora's first Heart Day in a bit...

Preschool Math Online said...

nice photos..!