Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Flashing Back: In Training

This week our church is doing Vacation Bible School "VBS". Therefore, we will be "flashing back" to some recent days in May of this year (2013), that I was unable to post about but that are totally post worthy -because our family will be taking full advantage of VBS!

In the month of June Vada's therapy center held a really fun weekly track meet. We attending all of them.

They had the children work on stretching.

Group participation games.

Multiple task and gross motor skill building games.

And just pure exercise!

Since then, we have been taking Vada back to the track to practice running on it. This coming Friday is the Jr. Bix and her and I will be running it together! Its going to be her first year, well, mine too and I am so excited and already SO proud I could burst already! 

I love her so much! I already have high hopes of her loving this racing stuff and us doing it together. (Not that I am a racer but she could be my motivation!)

We will do it for sure while she is young and then when and if she ever protests, we will stop... I guess only time will tell! More to come on this post!

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