This post is actually a day late. Our internet has been all wigged out and I was unable to post it on time.
On many posts I have shared Vada working on different color recognition coloring books. I've never followed up on what we do with these books and recently I have had a couple of emails from curious parents wondering what we do with the books after Vada colors in them...
I save them. I laminate them all, place little rings in them to keep them connected and we keep them by the rocking chair in Vada's room where I read to her before her nap and bedtime and where she has easy access to them.
Today Vada and I read through her color recognition book once all of the way through and then on the second time around we matched the colors on the pages to the colors on Elmer the stuffed elephant.
We followed that activity up with an Elmer's book.
And continued to do some more color recognition activities with this gear puzzle from Melissa and Doug.
We did more color sorting with the Farmer's Market set from Learning Resources. She seemed to have a hard time with this certain activity the other day. I am having a hard time knowing if it comes from not knowing the actual colors, not paying attention or being bored. So I thought that we should try again, at least once more this week.
She did great with this when she was focused but she really had to pay attention. Again, it was hard to tell if it was just luck when she was getting it correct so I brought out the crayon color sorters again as well. She really likes those and I figured repetition of a good thing never hurts.
The same thing went with this color sorting activity. Was it by chance or was it on purpose? Hmm...?

Vada and I did two interesting coloring worksheets. I say interesting because it was hard for Vada, yet I really wanted to have her finish the activity, yet I wasn't for sure if it was age appropriate and should press it. It turns out that we did two of the worksheets. The uppercase 'E' and the lowercase 'e' worksheets. They had Large, medium and small sizes for each upper and lowercase letter and for each size you were suppose to color each a different color. It was difficult and took a great deal of restraint on Vada's behalf but with my help and guidance, she did do it. She yelled at me a bit, she got frusterated a little but she completed the pages and I was proud of her but I did question myself...should I have stopped the lesson when she got frustrated? or what it good to push her a little even though she wasn't pleased about it? Seriously...Im looking for opinions and advice here...what do you think?

While Vada did put up a stink about coloring the upper and lowercase 'Ee's, she was all for writing practice, We used an orange dry erase marker for our hand over hand practice writing but Vada used a purple marker on her own. If you haven't already figured it out, I chose these two colors because they are are our colors of the week.
Vada's grasp does seem better with the mini markers. Thanks Christy, your awesome!
Check out Vada's horizontal line attempts! Not bad for a three and a half year old, ehh?
Notice the little 'v' as well...
Now check out this uppercase 'V'. Pure accident? Probably, but I am telling myself that there was some effort put into this letter 'V'.
I asked Vada to connect the "big E to the little e" and look what she did! All on her own! With NO, assistance or guidance from me! She is awesome, right? This is great, right?!? Oh my gosh, I am just smitten with this little girl!
After Vada had her own practice writing time we moved on to shape tracing.
These last two sheeting activities came from
After talking about the tracing sheet we moved onto another puzzle-like activity.
We also turned this activity into a math and color recognition activity.
At first Vada had a hard time getting the shape pieces off of the posts but once she figured it out she didn't want to stop. We did this activity two times.
Since I used the last activity as a counting activity (as well other things) I also used it as a sort of transition activity. We went from the puzzle onto the number one TouchMath flash card and counting single object activities.
After doing everything we did in our last activity yesterday, I added another step. It was simple but added more counting. I had Vada put each object, one at a time, into the cup. As Vada added objects into the cup I would count them, "One orange Numicon, One gray cat, one purple cup", and so one. I just wanted to highlight on the fact that we were focusing on one.
After Vada put everything into the cup I brought out the book that we worked on the previous day and we read through it then began coloring more in it.
And that was our rainbow-rific day.