I Did That Wall

This is Vada's Special "Wall" where we place her crafts (and eventually schoolwork) that she does each week. She is very proud of her work and ever day she likes to point to it and show it off to anyone who will look at it, usually it is just me but if her Dad or sisters are around, watch out! She especially likes to show it to her Daddy since the wall is actually our bedroom door and half of the time we are doing school when my husband is going to bed after working a twelve hour night shift but before he goes to bed we always spend about ten minutes with him and Vada uses some of that time pointing to her pictures on her "I did that Wall" and that is how this name came about. I thought it would be fun to take weekly pictures and save them as a memory for her when she is older but also since I write about it to make a place of reference, just in case someone is curious. :) I'll continue to update as the weeks progress...

4/15/13 - Letter of the Week, Letter "B"

4/15/13 - Letter of the Week, Letter "B"
5/13/13 - Letter of the Week, Letter "C"
5/16/13 - Letter of the Week, letter "D"
8/7/13 - Rowing Blueberries For Sal
8/9/13-rowing Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? and refreshing on letter's 'A' and 'B'
Posted on 9/18/13- includes work from Letter 'C', 'D' (which were combined in the same week) and 'E' (which we have just begun today) all from the LOTW curriculum. There is also work from our patriotic themed week as well as an apple tree made at a GiGi's Playhouse group play date and an apple made from our homeschooling group! 

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